Air-deployed wave buoys for hurricane forecast improvements

UW Applied Physics Laboratory; 2021 to present

As part of the NOPP Hurricane Coastal Impacts (NHCI) project, our team air deploys small, drifting buoys ahead of landfalling hurricanes to obtain observations of extreme waves at the ocean's surface. We work closely with the Navy's Scientific Development Squadron (VXS-1) to conduct rapid response deployments from an NP-3C airplane. This project is a primary focus of my doctoral work at the University of Washington; I help to develop one of our team's buoy types, the microSWIFT, and routinely fly with VXS-1 to deploy. Learn more at


Related Citations:
  • Jacob Davis, Isabel Houghton, Jim Thomson, Pieter Smit, Gijs de Boer, Elizabeth Thompson, Tim Janssen, Chris Fairall. "Distributed sampling of hurricane waves." presented at Ocean Sciences Meeting. Online. February, 2022.

Navy Scientific Development Squadron's NP-3C.

Persistent measurements of surface waves in landfast ice using fiber optic telecommunication cables

UW Applied Physics Laboratory; 2022 to present


Related Citations:

Deploying microSWIFT wave buoys off the coast of Prudhoe Bay, AK).

microSWIFT wave buoy development

UW Applied Physics Laboratory; 2021 to present


Related Citations:

microSWIFTs measuring a wave in the surfzone.

Oscillating surge wave energy converters

University of Massachusetts Amherst; in collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Lab
2020 to 2021

A fundamental theoretical and experimental study of the dynamics of an oscillating surge wave energy converter. Here I led the design and fabrication of the scale model, instrumentation selection, wave tank experiments, and subsequent modeling and analysis.

Related Citations:

Oscillating surge wave energy converter experiments in the Wave-Current Lab at UMass Amherst.

Variable geometry wave energy converters

University of Massachusetts Amherst; in collaboration with the National Renewable Energy Lab
2020 to 2021

We developed and tested an experimental-scale oscillating surge wave energy converter which employs variable geometry modules to control the governing hydrodynamics of the body. As the lead graduate student, I was responsible for the design and fabrication, instrumentation selection, wave tank experiments, and subsequent modeling and analysis.

Related Citations:

Variable geometry wave energy converter schematic.

Wave-current laboratory development

University of Massachusetts Amherst; 2019 to 2021

Lead role in the planning and development of the ORRE wave-current facility, including the mechanical and structural design of an 11-meter long, 5000-gallon recirculating wave-current flume. Directly involved in instrumentation selection, lab assembly, and data acquisition hardware setup.
Related Citations:

Installation of the Ocean Resources and Renewable Energy Wave-Current flume at UMass Amherst.